The Situation & Solution
The world today is complex

Technology, social media, current events, and dynamic shifts in culture have exposed modern youth to complicated concepts and situations at a much younger age. Children are navigating the ideas of adulthood in nearly every interaction.
Limited access to male role models

As a result of divorce, death, or disengaged dads, 1 in 3 boys lives in a home without a strong male role model. These boys are twice as likely to receive D’s and F’s in school, and twice as likely to become drop-outs.
Conflicting definitions of masculinity

In movies and tv, they see “macho” male idols while, at the same time, hear echos from society that “men are bad.” Amidst these convoluted expectations and assumptions, boys will turn to their friends, celebrities, video games, and the internet to learn how to “be a man.”
Resulting in a patchwork manhood

Because boys with absent fathers are forced to source male role models from different places, their concept of manhood is also pieced together. Today, we have a systemic problem of prolonging immaturity into adulthood. What’s more, this “patchwork manhood” is being passed generation to generation.