Parents: Meet the “New Nanny”

Are you busy raising your kids? If so, you have responsibilities that include entertaining, educating, and guiding!  Likely you’ve provided your kids a phone (all the other kids have one) and allowed this phone, who I refer to as “the nanny,” to replace many of the roles a parent is responsible for. The phone has…

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Parenting Tip: How to Resolve Conflict

Parenting & Conflict Conflict is a part of life.  I know people who thoroughly enjoy conflict and others who avoid it at all costs.  One of the cornerstones I cover with adolescent boys and their parents is “conflict resolution.”  By utilizing my process the family is able to communicate more effectively and peacefully. You-You-You One of…

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Parenting Boys: What You Need To Know

  Are you parenting boys? Is dad active in his life?  Do you worry he could be in trouble? Parenting Boys:  Boys Without Fathers One of the most common issues our boys face is growing up without their father.   According to estimates, one in three boys currently lives in a home without a father…

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Saving Our Sons Sneak Peek – Ethan (A Case Study)

I want to introduce you to a fine young man who worked very hard to overcome his anger. Ethan’s story is one of eight case studies in Saving Our Sons. The following excerpt is from Chapter 11: Ethan. I hope you find value in this glimpse at the deep benefits of The Quest Project®.

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Saving Our Sons Sneak Peak – The Quest Project

  Every quest begins with a question. This was mine: “Why are so many boys suffering, and what can be done to help them?” Here’s a glimpse of how I got my start. The following excerpt is from Chapter 5: The Quest Project. I hope you enjoy! 

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