The Quest Project: Before and After
I have shared much about The Quest Project®; how it works and the processes it covers with adolescent boys. I’d like to show you the results my program has on specific behaviors. I’ll also share comments at the end from participants!
The Behavioral Evaluation Scale (BES)
What is this and why do you care? If you or someone you know is interested in The Quest Project® this data is proof of the program’s success.
I have parents complete a “Behavioral Evaluation Scale” (BES-3) on their son before the program begins, and again after completion of the program. I do this in order to measure the young man’s progress in the following.
- Learning Problems
- Interpersonal Difficulties
- Inappropriate Behavior
- Unhappiness/Depression
- Physical Symptoms/Fears
Both the participant and parent are surveyed to gather feedback on the program itself.
Below the results are measured in a bar graph that shows the impact, and more importantly, the positive results obtained.
The Quest Project®
Participant Feedback
One of the most rewarding feelings is reading survey feedback from The Quest Project® participants! Here’s a sample from a recent group of adolescent boys ages 11-13. I think you’ll enjoy.
“This program was very helpful”
“I thought it helped me control my angry”
“I thought it was extremely helpful-I want to help people with life’s troubles by being a psychologist”
“It was great”
“It was awesome!!!”
“Amazing, this was a good program”
“loved it!”
“It was good because it let my anger out and I taught myself how to calm down”
It’s very rewarding to do what I do, and carry out my mission: “To create healthy lifestyles by teaching, facilitating, writing and example,” with feedback like this!
How did you find this information helpful? Share on my Facebook page.