Parents: Meet the “New Nanny”

Are you busy raising your kids? If so, you have responsibilities that include entertaining, educating, and guiding!  Likely you’ve provided your kids a phone (all the other kids have one) and allowed this phone, who I refer to as “the nanny,” to replace many of the roles a parent is responsible for. The phone has…

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Helping Boys Navigate Adolescence

Clayton Lessor

When the counseling department at Wydown Middle School reached out and invited me to participate in their “Speaker Series;” focused on boys navigating adolescence, you know my answer was yes! 

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Back to School-Behavior Problems?

School is back to in-person classroom learning! Your kids are going to go through some adjustments.  Your son likely had more freedom to be active over the past year; the transition back to class will likely be challenging.

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Thank You Mom!

This is dedicated to all the Mom’s out there who are raising son(s)! Thanks To Mom If you’re a single Mom, you don’t need me to tell you how hard it is raising kids alone.  Most mom’s I talk to feel they are filling the role of dad too.  You are most likely working a full-time…

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Parenting Tip: Teaching Empathy

As the facilitator of The Quest Project®-A Modern Day Rite-of-Passage program for adolescent boys my observations are “real time and accurate!” I am also an avid researcher, so when I detect a shift or change in adolescent behavior, I dig in to understand the cause.

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