Tips for Moms
Raising Sons? Does He Struggle With Anxiety?
As a Licensed Professional Counselor(LPC), I see a fair number of clients with anxiety. Maybe they lost a job or their marriage is failing. Recently I am seeing adolescent boys on a regular basis struggling with anxiety. What Is Anxiety? In general, anxiety is a term used for nervousness, fear, apprehension and worry. Chronic anxiety can lead to, or…
Read MoreParenting Tip: Conflict Resolution Examples
Conflict Resolution: Conversation Examples I chose two of the conflicts I see frequently between an adolescent boy and his parent. Conflict Resolution Tool State the facts: Who, What, When and Where Make a judgment: A judgment is an “I think you or me statement” about self and about other person State feeling: The Big Four-mad, sad,…
Read MoreParenting Tip: How to Resolve Conflict
Parenting & Conflict Conflict is a part of life. I know people who thoroughly enjoy conflict and others who avoid it at all costs. One of the cornerstones I cover with adolescent boys and their parents is “conflict resolution.” By utilizing my process the family is able to communicate more effectively and peacefully. You-You-You One of…
Read MoreMidwest Book Review Recommends “Saving Our Sons: A Parent’s Guide to Preparing Boys for Success” for Their Parenting Shelf
Thumbs Up Getting reviews on work you’ve put your heart and soul into is so gratifying! Don’t we all love getting a thumbs up? The Quest Project® continues to have one success after the next. One of this week’s highlights was being reviewed by Midwest Book Review. Established in 1976, Midwest Book Review publishes…
Read MoreRaising a Son: The 5 Things No One Ever Told You About
Raising a son can be difficult, especially if you’re a mom “going it alone.” There is a time in your son’s life that having a healthy male role model is imperative- and that time is when he is transitioning from a boy to a man. Suddenly, during this time your son acts like he can’t stand…
Read MoreParenting Boys: What You Need To Know
Are you parenting boys? Is dad active in his life? Do you worry he could be in trouble? Parenting Boys: Boys Without Fathers One of the most common issues our boys face is growing up without their father. According to estimates, one in three boys currently lives in a home without a father…
Read MoreRaising Sons: “Priceless” Co-Parenting Tip
If you are raising sons and co-parenting with your ex, chances are communication is strained at best. Here is a parenting tip I think could be valuable and helpful. For the best results both parents need to be on same page in both homes-creating a team; more importantly the kids need to know mom and dad…
Read MoreRaising Sons: Parenting Basics-Safety First
Raising Sons: Parenting Basics As this year draws to a close and I reflect back on the many young men, families and professionals I have met both locally and online, I felt this is a good topic to discuss again. Far too often in my practice I meet families that are in the “cycle of…
Read MoreYour Son Needs Therapy. Find Out How to Afford Help!
My Son Needs Therapy! How Can I Afford That?!? Raising Sons: Your Health Insurance Could be a Resource Does your son need therapy? I can’t tell you the number of times I hear a single parent mom say “my son needs therapy, I think he’s in trouble but I can’t afford to get…
Read MoreRaising Your Son: the Best Gift to Give
Raising Your Son Raising your son can be challenging at times. I want you to know the best gift you can give your son. It isn’t a new video game or new pair of jeans, it’s not tangible at all, and it is the best gift you can give! My Gift to You The number of…
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