Saving Our Sons – Pre-Order News!

Clayton Lessor Saving Our Sons Preorder Book

Those of you who follow me know I have worked hard to get to this day!  Today my book, Saving Our Sons – A Parents Guide to Preparing Boys for Success is available on for pre-orders.  It’s an exciting day at our house!

Thanks To The Team

We have worked tirelessly with a team of folks to get to this point.  I want to give them a shout out because without them this book would not have become a reality!  It has been hard work and is a journey I’ll never forget.

My mission is to help our troubled teenage boys become strong healthy young men; I believe Saving Our Sons will help parents better understand their son’s needs.  At the end of the day, that’s all I have strived to do for over 20 years.

Tell Everyone Saving Our Sons is Here!

So please pass the word along and if you haven’t yet ordered your copy of  the book I encourage you to do so.  Oh, and by the way, have I told you it’s now available on Amazon for pre-orders?!

As we build up momentum and energy for the official public launch on September 1, 2016, I’ll be giving you all a play-by-play so stay tuned!

Saving Our Sons by Clayton Lessor is available for pre-orders




  1. Sixtus Otieno on July 11, 2018 at 8:13 pm

    This is very very good and needed so much. I cant just begin to express how much i need this guidance. i already have issues with guiding my first born son and would like to do better with my last born son. I hope this book is available in Kenya. Thank you good people!

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