Warning Signs of Suicide

It seems a day doesn’t go by without hearing about another suicide on the news, from a friend or a client who’s either dealing with the pain of loss or worse, having suicidal thoughts. Me Too As a therapist I help clients deal with the devastating effects of death and the loss that accompanies it on a regular basis.  I’m also…

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Counseling Professional Deepens Expertise with a PhD

Honored to have my work recognized by Capella in this recent interview! Counseling Professional Deepens Expertise with a PhD Some people might wonder why Clayton Lessor* bothered to get a PhD. A licensed professional counselor in St. Louis, Missouri, he already had a successful career in private practice, as well as numerous speaking and consulting gigs. “I wanted…

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Dr. Clay on KTVI-Fox 2

In a recent interview on Fox 2 morning news I was asked about “Millennials and Perfectionism.”  Here’s a link if you missed it. http://fox2now.com/2018/01/29/local-therapist-talks-about-how-perfectionism-affects-millennials/ A new study in the Psychological Bulletin says young people are more likely than any other generation to feel the pressure to be perfect. As a therapist who works extensively with adolescents, families and…

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A Time To Reflect

I’ve never been one to do New Year Resolutions, but I do take time to “reflect” on the goals I set for each new year to measure my accomplishments! Here they are for 2017! Starting from the Top Let’s start with The Quest Project®, after all it’s the #1 program in my practice. I facilitated 62 adolescent…

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Bullies In The Workplace

As seen on KTVI Fox 2 Morning Show!  Thanks Randi Naughton and John Pertzborn for the warm welcome! Workplace Bullies Bullying happens everywhere from the playground to the classroom, to the workplace. So how do we handle workplace bullies?  Click on the link below for my advice. http://fox2now.com/2018/01/08/how-to-handle-bullies-in-the-workplace/

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Walking Tall-A Personal Journey

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Please allow me to share my excitement and experience.  I just walked for my PhD!  An accomplishment that I’ve been working toward my entire life.  Obstacles were abundant, but when you set a goal you just keep going until you achieve it.  I did it and it feels amazing!  I am officially…

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The Quest Project-For Dad!

Dad, Welcome to The Quest Project® My recent inspiration for writing book #2 came from a very welcome change I am seeing in my practice, let me share more. Change Is Very Good Over the last 20 years, I have seen over 2000 boys go through The Quest Project®.  What’s changed?  In the past, the majority of…

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Raising Sons: Giving Boys What They Need

  I was honored when Aisha Sultan, home and family editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch recently wrote an article about my journey, and how it led to my life’s work.  Raising Sons: In Case You Missed It The article is titled “Giving boys what they need when fathers are absent” and appropriately published on Fathers Day. …

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Advancing The Work!

I am excited!  I am in the final phase of my Ph.D. work!  What I’ve Been Up To One very important component of my dissertation was to gather data to support my topic Difference of a Counselor Facilitated Adolescent Boys’ Group on Behavior.  I had the privilege of facilitating The Quest Project® to a great group of boys at Woodridge Middle School…

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Spreading the News on North Dakota Today!

It was a chilly morning in Bismarck, North Dakota but what a warm welcome from Kevin and Monica at KFYR.  Recent Interview! I was honored to be invited to talk about “Saving Our Sons” A Parent’s Guide to Preparing Boys for Success and The Quest Project® recently on North Dakota Today!   What a great way to spread the news and talk at…

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