Parents: Meet the “New Nanny”

Are you busy raising your kids? If so, you have responsibilities that include entertaining, educating, and guiding!  Likely you’ve provided your kids a phone (all the other kids have one) and allowed this phone, who I refer to as “the nanny,” to replace many of the roles a parent is responsible for. The phone has…

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Helping Boys Navigate Adolescence

Clayton Lessor

When the counseling department at Wydown Middle School reached out and invited me to participate in their “Speaker Series;” focused on boys navigating adolescence, you know my answer was yes! 

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Parents Beware-New Nanny!

We’re all busy raising our kids; responsibilities include entertaining, educating, and guiding.  Likely they have a phone and you’ve allowed the phone (who I refer to as the new nanny) to replace many of the roles a parent is responsible for. It’s a new reliable, relatively inexpensive nanny.  Am I right?   

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The Quest Project Online-Overview

Are you worried about your son?  Here is an overview of Modules 1-10 of the The Quest Project Online where he will learn how to thrive and survive his adolescent years!

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Happy Father’s Day!

On this special day, Father’s Day, I hope all the fathers out there remember they are the “conductors of the family train!”  If you follow me, you know that another one of my favorite poems is by Rudyard Kipling “If.”  My dear friend and United States Air Force buddy sent me this poem.  Please enjoy!

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School’s Out-Now What?

Spring and summer are my favorite seasons; the days are longer, and the sun shines just a bit brighter! For many parents this time of year can be chaotic because SCHOOLS OUT! Where is my son, who is he with, and what is he doing!

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