Thank You Mom!

This is dedicated to all the Mom’s out there who are raising son(s)! Thanks To Mom If you’re a single Mom, you don’t need me to tell you how hard it is raising kids alone.  Most mom’s I talk to feel they are filling the role of dad too.  You are most likely working a full-time…

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The Quest Project® Online “Dream Team”

This awesome team (along with their guest) came together over good food and fun recently!  We celebrated the mission, hard work and future of The Quest Project®.  Everyone in attendance was/is instrumental in the launch of the new Online version of The Quest Project! To sum up the night, I feel blessed and honored!

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Parenting Tip: Teaching Empathy

As the facilitator of The Quest Project®-A Modern Day Rite-of-Passage program for adolescent boys my observations are “real time and accurate!” I am also an avid researcher, so when I detect a shift or change in adolescent behavior, I dig in to understand the cause.

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The Wisdom of a Farmer!

So many males, both young and old have lost their way.  The Industrial Revolution may have given us a more “modern” society, but it took away a very crucial time, the teaching and wisdom a father passes on to his son…..a “rite of passage.” Since then, every male has carried that as a “wound.”

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Be a Mentor-Become a Mentor

In honor of National Mentoring Month I would like to share my experience as a mentor to young men, ages 11-16. We work during the summer months cultivating and sharing the bounty of a vegetable garden with our local food pantry.

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Grieving a Loss

The sudden loss of a loved one, relative, friend, co-worker, or classmate can be overwhelming.  It can put us in a state of shock, disbelief and feeling numb all over.

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Parenting Tip: Focus on Needs

If I ask you “what do you want” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?  Now, take a minute and answer this question “do you need it?”  Likely you don’t, it’s something you “want” but you don’t necessarily “need” it.  Ultimately, we all NEED these 4 things:

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Feeling Your Feelings

Feelings!  These are the “big four” and regardless of age, ethnicity, or gender, these basic four feelings – mad, sad, glad, and afraid – are appropriate for you.  We need to feel our feelings, express our feelings and process those feelings, it’s healthy! Here’s why.

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