News and Updates!

Periodically I like to give you news and updates; a glimpse into what’s going on and what I’m up to! It’s a very exciting time for The Quest Project® and me personally. I’ll start with the updates.
What’s Been Going On?
We officially launched my second book “Generation of Men”-How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men the end of January this year. Instead of tooting my own horn, I’m sharing a couple of the recent reviews it received!
Generation of Men: How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men, details the socio-emotional development that young men experience as they transition from boy to adolescent to manhood. The book effectively articulates how the natural evolution of adolescent development may become derailed due to familial and societal influences. Through Dr. Lessor’s decades of research and his own treatment of young men who have been emotionally bruised and scarred, The Quest Project was born. Dr. Lessor’s program is supported, in large part, on Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. The mantra of “It takes a village” rings true to both Bronfenbrenner and Lessor, two men of similar backgrounds. Generation of Men should be required reading of any man in hopes of becoming a father. Mistakes have been made that we can all learn from. Dr. Lessor provides us with how we can best prepare our young men to become positive contributors to society.
Dr. Jason K. Ward, Part-Time Faculty, Professional Studies at Capella University
Once again with courage, competence, and sound counsel, Clayton Lessor addresses one of the persistent issues confronting our culture, “the wounds that all boys share.” In spite of the attacks upon and disfavor of masculinity today, Dr. Lessor courageously makes the case for guiding boys to a healthy mature manhood. In response to his own personal wounds, Dr. Lessor shares how his pursuit has led to a competent, proven means for helping dads (and families) with wounded boys. And finally, he provides solid counsel, and easy to grasp and apply wisdom for those looking for ways to help their sons who may be trapped in a malaise of inactivity and immaturity.
Dr. Michael Morris
It goes without saying, I’m very proud!
For those of you that don’t know, I founded Charity Patch back in 2013. Charity Patch is a not-for-profit urban garden providing fresh produce to the local food pantries. After the rain gave us a short window of time to plant, and with the help of a great group of young men from The Quest Project we planted:
- 250 beets
- 75 tomato
- 80 pepper
- 30 squash
- 50 green beans
- 300 corn
- 8 cucumber
- In addition, a little basil, swiss-chard, garlic and chives.
Those who rely on food pantries for assistance don’t always have access to fresh, so we are very proud to make that available.
Coming Soon!
A couple of months back I was contacted by Peter McGennis, a film director and producer out of New York. Peter asked me and The Quest Project to participate in his upcoming documentary (working title) “Within Reach!” I did my homework, checked him out, did the due diligence to make sure this would be a safe and professional project. Peter and his team will be here the end of June to shoot footage so stay tuned for updates on the movie. I’m very excited for this opportunity!
St Louis Magazine’s Jeannette Cooperman recently wrote an article featuring The Quest Project, it’ll be out in the July issue! Pick one up, I think you’ll appreciate the insight she was given into the program.
Finally, all of St. Louis knows Art Holiday of KSDK-TV and KTRS radio. He is doing a story as well. It will feature a family and their son before, during and after The Quest Project program. More to come on this one but I know Art will do a fabulous job!
This is all going on while I’m running Quest Project boys’ groups, Men and Women weekend workshops, serving The Coalition to Create a White House Council for Boys and Men, an article submission to a professional journal for peer review, as well as multiple local and national interviews!
Stay connected so you don’t miss any of the action!