Parents: Meet the “New Nanny”

Are you busy raising your kids? If so, you have responsibilities that include entertaining, educating, and guiding!  Likely you’ve provided your kids a phone (all the other kids have one) and allowed this phone, who I refer to as “the nanny,” to replace many of the roles a parent is responsible for. The phone has…

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Happy Father’s Day!

On this special day, Father’s Day, I hope all the fathers out there remember they are the “conductors of the family train!”  If you follow me, you know that another one of my favorite poems is by Rudyard Kipling “If.”  My dear friend and United States Air Force buddy sent me this poem.  Please enjoy!

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Parenting Tip: Teaching Empathy

As the facilitator of The Quest Project®-A Modern Day Rite-of-Passage program for adolescent boys my observations are “real time and accurate!” I am also an avid researcher, so when I detect a shift or change in adolescent behavior, I dig in to understand the cause.

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The Wisdom of a Farmer!

So many males, both young and old have lost their way.  The Industrial Revolution may have given us a more “modern” society, but it took away a very crucial time, the teaching and wisdom a father passes on to his son…..a “rite of passage.” Since then, every male has carried that as a “wound.”

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Grieving a Loss

The sudden loss of a loved one, relative, friend, co-worker, or classmate can be overwhelming.  It can put us in a state of shock, disbelief and feeling numb all over.

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Parenting Tip: Focus on Needs

If I ask you “what do you want” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?  Now, take a minute and answer this question “do you need it?”  Likely you don’t, it’s something you “want” but you don’t necessarily “need” it.  Ultimately, we all NEED these 4 things:

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A Father’s Day Message

Fathers Day is a time of reflection for some of us.  For all you new dads it’s a special day of celebration.  And for some dads it’s a wake up call, because you haven’t been present.  I always wanted to write a song, if I did it would sound like this!  Some of you will…

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Parenting: Heard of PAS?

Familiar with the term Parent Alienation Syndrome (PAS)? It’s not a disorder, it is a behavior that I see far too often in my practice.  If you’re a parent take a minute to read this (for the well being of the kids)!

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Most Common Types of “Absent Dad”

Do you know a dad who is physically present, but absent?  Dad doesn’t have to live apart from his son to be absent. Many families may appear to be “intact” with dad acting as the head of household when in fact, his mind and his energy are somewhere else.

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