Parents: Meet the “New Nanny”

Are you busy raising your kids? If so, you have responsibilities that include entertaining, educating, and guiding!  Likely you’ve provided your kids a phone (all the other kids have one) and allowed this phone, who I refer to as “the nanny,” to replace many of the roles a parent is responsible for. The phone has…

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Parents Beware-New Nanny!

We’re all busy raising our kids; responsibilities include entertaining, educating, and guiding.  Likely they have a phone and you’ve allowed the phone (who I refer to as the new nanny) to replace many of the roles a parent is responsible for. It’s a new reliable, relatively inexpensive nanny.  Am I right?   

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Parenting Boys? This is Must Read!

This is an extremely crucial time for our adolescent boys.  Let me repeat, “our boys are in trouble!” As parents, it’s time to be very careful and diligent; refuse to allow your sons to be labeled.

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Teach Your Son Accountability

Teaching your son accountability is as important as teaching honesty, empathy and integrity. Often accountability gets overlooked as a core value; when in fact it’s one of the most important!

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Parenting Tip: Discipline vs Punishment

What’s the difference in discipline and punishment you ask?  There’s a big difference, in fact a huge difference between them. Let me explain. Punishment Your son has broken the rules; he’s been caught drinking or smoking, maybe a bad report card.  You must do “something,” he needs to be punished. The way to stop a child from misbehaving…

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Simply….. “If”

“If” you have been subscribed to my newsletter since 2015, you’ve read this before!  If not, you’re in for a treat.  It’s time for me to share again as it remains one of my favorite poems.  Originally published in 1910 by Rudyard Kipling, it’s still very relevant today.  Enjoy!

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Raising Boys? 5 Warning Signs of Trouble

As the new school year gets underway, it’s a good time to reiterate the warning signs of trouble if you notice a change in your son.  It may be typical angst; here’s the difference. Over the past 20 years I have helped countless male adolescents make the transition from boyhood to adult life with my program, The Quest Project.  Some were…

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Parenting Boys? Competition is Good

I am constantly reading, researching and contemplating the best methods for raising a happy, healthy and responsible adolescent boy.  There is always an article boasting “the latest/greatest way.” I am addressing here the subject of competition from the American Counseling Assoc. (ACA)!

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Is Your Son in Trouble? Dr. Clay Offers Insight

Is your son in trouble?  If you missed my recent interview with John Pertzborn on Fox 2, you’re in luck;  I’ve provided it here!  We discuss what boys need, absent fathers, The Quest Project, and what the Coalition for a White House Council on Men and Boys is hoping to accomplish.

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