The Quest Project-Ringing in 2020!

Have you set your goals for the new year? Here at The Quest Project® we’re on track to make 2020 a memorable year!
I’m happy to announce a new Quest Project facilitator is in training! He is working hard, I look forward to introducing him once training is completed. We continue to aggressively market male Licensed Professional Counselors; the intent is to add more Quest Project facilitators here in St. Louis. We’ll expand the effort to other parts of the U.S. this year as well.
I expect to be traveling periodically with Peter McGennis, the producer of “Within Reach” a documentary that covers programs that are focused on improving the future for our boys. I’m proud to have this opportunity, even more proud and blessed to have The Quest Project chosen to be one of those featured in the film. Stay tuned for updates!
A new and exciting project this year is the development of an online version of The Quest Project; driven by evidence-based research and the data supporting success! The graph below illustrates the positive change in behavior compiled from over 2000 Quest Project participants over the last 20 years upon completion of the 10-week group program utilizing the Behavioral Evaluation Scale.
The possibility has been in my head for years; it was a matter of finding the right person to put those thoughts in an interactive program designed for the male adolescent. It’s exciting for so many reasons but ultimately the best part is we’ll be able to reach more boys, and that has always been my goal.
My wife is celebrating the fact I won’t be publishing a new book this year, however I am actively researching, writing and submitting articles for professional journal publication. If you haven’t noticed the male population continues to be under attack. It’s my mission to advocate and be the voice for male adolescents; to draw attention to what they’re missing.
In addition to The Quest Project®-A Modern Day Rite of Passage™ groups, this year I’ll incorporate quarterly weekend workshops for both men and women. These workshops are extremely popular and fill up quickly. If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please call to get on the waiting list!
The Quest Project office is looking forward to a facelift in the Spring. It’s time for a fresh coat of paint and a few new upgrades!
As for Charity Patch, we have a great group of young men lined up to work hard and make this a record year of fresh produce delivery for the pantry. They will experience how it feels and what it means to impact the life of someone less fortunate….empathy.
That’s what I’ll be doing, you?