Dr. Clay Receives “Pay It Forward” Award!

“It’s a labor of love.”  That’s how Dr. Clay describes his work with Charity Patch and the group of Quest Project young men that show up every Saturday during the summer to help.


It’s not easy surprising Dr. Clay!  In his work, surprises typically aren’t the positive kind!  Yet on this sunny summer afternoon, KTVI Fox 2’s Dan Gray along with Eve Brandes of Affton Christian Food Pantry did just that; they surprised Dr. Clay with a very special honor and award.

Watch it here!


Best Laid Plans!

Since 2013 Dr. Clay begins designing the layout of Charity Patch in late February early March.   He plans every detail so that by early May the garden is ready for planting.

From that point it’s up early every Saturday, May through August, to get ready for The Quest Project young men to arrive.  He not only plans the garden work and produce deliveries to the pantry; he plans a fun day for the volunteers; and always makes sure they get a good (usually grilled) lunch before mom and dad pick them up!

His passion is teaching these young men as much as possible about stewardship and the importance of giving back.  Empathy for others and skills of sustainability.

It was fun watching someone who gives so much being recognized!  Congratulations Dr. Clay!

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