
Peter McGennis is a filmmaker/producer from New York.  He is underway with the filming of his new documentary “Within Reach (working title).”  He invited me and The Quest Project to be a part of this very exciting new film!  It was an experience I’ll never forget!

Here’s a Glimpse

Here are a few fun photos of the day.  We started bright and early and appeared on Fox2 for an interview at the studio; if you missed it, you can see it here.

(Peter McGennis and I with John Pertzborn on the Fox2 Morning Show)

Peter and his crew shot footage all around St. Louis, from the Arch to Laumeier Park.  Next we congregated at my office where The Quest Project-A Modern Day Rite-of-Passage program takes place, week to week for over 20 years.

(time for the “sound guy” to get me mic’d up for the first of many interviews and action shots throughout the day)

(the crew took a brief break, had some lunch, and waited while a huge storm rolled through!)

(in my office with Peter)

Peter and I took time to talk more about rites-of-passage; I wanted him to have a better understanding, and to share my research so that he knows the importance of those processes in a young mans development.  He has a great opportunity with this film to get my message out to families everywhere!

(the food pantry sent its van over to pick up 20lbs. of beets; picked by this great group of young men and their parents!)

That’s where the day ended, in the Charity Patch garden where many of the TQP graduates volunteer their time to provide fresh produce to the local food pantry every Saturday morning.  These young men are learning empathy through their volunteerism.

A truly meaningful and wonderful experience from start to finish!

That’s a Wrap

(I think this picture sums it up…I was exhausted and happy!)

Naturally, there will be much more to share on the progress and details of this documentary “Within Reach.”  I encourage you to stay connected here, Facebook and/or @TheQuestProject on Twitter where I’ll be sharing updates.

Want to learn more about The Quest Project?  Pick up a copy of my latest book Generation of Men on Amazon.


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