Happy Thanksgiving!

For me Thanksgiving represents a time to give thanks and reflect. Let me take you on my 2021 journey!
Thankful For
First, let me say I am thankful for my family and friends and all the blessings they bring to my life. For those that know me well, you know this includes my two pups, Pinot (who has fought back from five back surgeries) and Tawney (we call her the “enforcer); they are both healthy, howling and happy!
My private practice continues to grow and thrive which allows me to live my mission “to create healthy lifestyles by teaching, facilitating, writing, research and example” every day.
This year The Quest Project® introduced a new group called Adult Quest, which is an adult version of the traditional The Quest Project. I invite you to check it out as many men and women have benefited from this healing process facilitated in a group format.
We have also been hard at work designing an online version of The Quest Project! Thanks to a host of talented individuals (led by yours truly) dedicated to helping young men everywhere, we are on track to launch this online version in January 2022! It’s an exciting time with much more to follow on this!
Charity Patch, our not-for-profit urban garden, continues to be a labor of love for us! COVID restrictions made our work a bit more challenging, but we continue to work hard to fulfill the mission of “providing fresh produce to local food pantries.”
Thankful To
Personally, I made the decision to finish the “unfinished business” of my life. It’s a cathartic process, one I would liken to an 800-pound gorilla off your shoulders! If you have unfinished business with someone, consider cleaning it up-letting it go in order to live your best life.
Although my personal story is one of abuse from my dad; I endured and healed. It led me to the work I do today helping young men and their parents have a healthy relationship.
I am thankful for all of you who have been with me and supported me in this work and on this journey. There is more to come and more work to do so stay connected.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Dr. Clay