Seasons Greetings from The Quest Project®
Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays! The Quest Project® is and always has been a labor of love, this year was filled with unexpected challenges and obstacles. Combined with your continued dedication and support, and my mission “to create healthy lifestyles by teaching, facilitating, research, writing and example we are helping our boys grow into healthy, happy young men.
Reviewing 2020
Well who could have/would have predicted a pandemic! Just as the year got underway The Quest Project® just like the economy was off to a record start. With multiple groups at maximum capacity underway, we came to a screeching halt when the “stay at home orders” went in effect.
Telesessions replaced in-person and all groups were postponed temporarily. Safety was at the forefront for all and though it certainly wasn’t the same, we all “hunkered in” stayed vigilant and did the best we could!
As the new normal began to take shape, small groups resumed and as you might imagine…the impact on both kids and adults has been overwhelming. The increase in anxiety, depression and addiction are off the charts (just to name a few). As a mental health provider, I’m concerned.
It’s time to take notice and get a grip on the mental devastation that is taking place. Adults need to get back to work and kids back to school ASAP.
How I Spent My Time
You may already know this about me, I’m typically always thinking of ways to make The Quest Project even better. I believe I’ve accomplished that by designing and developing a new version of the program in an online version. It’s in its final stages and will be available early 2021!
I’m most excited with the ability and opportunity to help boys everywhere with this new product. More to come on this so stay tuned!
Update on The Patch!
This year Charity Patch was a “skinny version.” We missed having the young men with us every Saturday. We missed being able to impact the local families that rely on the pantries for food to the extent we have done in the past. However, we did experience many smiling faces as we delivered bags of veggies to the families we were able to reach.
Though it’s been a strange year it was still a very busy year! Plans for next year are shaping up nicely and on track to provide even more help and hope for families!
My hope as we wrap up 2020 is for the vaccine so that we can all get back to life and living.
Time on your hands? Pick up a copy of my book HERE!