Posts Tagged ‘raising sons’
Beyond Risk & Back Podcast
I recently had a great interview with Aaron Huey, founder of Fire Mountain on his show “Beyond Risk & Back.” Aaron works with “at risk” teens through his residential programs in Colorado. Aaron is a true “man among men!”
Read MoreBreaking News!
St. Louis’s Clayton Lessor, PhD, LPC to Join Coalition for a White House Council on Men and Boys St. Louis (March 11, 2019) – Local expert and author Dr. Clay Lessor has been appointed to the steering committee for the Coalition for a White House Council on Men and Boys. Dr. Lessor has dedicated…
Read MoreHave We Met?
My name is Clayton Lessor, PhD, LPC and it is my life’s mission to work with adolescent boys, I have done just that for the last 25 years. I am a licensed professional counselor, facilitator and author. I have a new book out titled “Generation of Men: How to raise your son to be a…
Read MoreHave You Considered “What-If?”
Do you ask yourself “what if?” Are you prepared, or have what I like to call a “Plan B?” I personally go through the exercise of both. I start by asking myself “what if,” and based on the answer I put together my “Plan B!” Learned My Lesson Early Growing up in a house with…
Read MoreThe Masculinity-Bashing Bandwagon
The Bashing The American Psychological Assoc. (APA) released new “guidelines” on how psychologists should begin to deal with men and boys. They claim that their research proves traditional masculinity is causing men and boys to do a plethora of terrible things. On the heels of that very disturbing release was a new commercial by Gillette,…
Read MoreAnnouncing-“Generation of Men!”
It is my pleasure to announce the release of my new book, “Generation of Men: How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men!” You can be one of the first to pre-order on Amazon HERE!
Read MoreA Great New Book-For Dad!
Exactly a year ago I announced my second book would be out shortly! Much has changed, the title the timing as well as the look! What didn’t change is the manuscript. I hope you’ll feel as I do, it was worth the wait! Staring 2019 in the face, I am ready for it to be…
Read MoreParenting Advice: Do You Foster PAS?
Have you heard the term Parent Alienation Syndrome, or PAS? It’s not a disorder, it is a behavior that I see on a regular basis in my practice. In a nutshell, it is a term used to describe distinctive behaviors shown by children who have been psychologically manipulated. These behaviors include unwarranted fear, disrespect or…
Read MoreParenting Boys? Todays Challenges
I promised you more “sneak peeks” into my upcoming book. It’s about fathers and sons; insight into the past, present and future of the relationship or lack thereof between them. Today’s Parent Today’s parent faces modern challenges. It is how they handle those challenges that has become super important. I say that because as society has matured and become more automated,…
Read MoreHelp Your Son Replace Anger With Joy!
If I had a dollar for every time a parent said to me “my son is so angry” I’d be rich! Anger-It’s a Part of Life I was raised by a very angry father (he raged). The issue for me in my life wasn’t that he was angry, it was how he handled the anger. …
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