Have You Considered “What-If?”

Do you ask yourself “what if?” Are you prepared, or have what I like to call a “Plan B?” I personally go through the exercise of both. I start by asking myself “what if,” and based on the answer I put together my “Plan B!”
Learned My Lesson Early
Growing up in a house with an alcoholic and abusive father, I learned at a very early age to be prepared. For example, what if dad was late getting home from work; I knew that meant he was likely at a bar getting hammered. I also knew I needed to have a plan in place or risk his wrath.
I have continued to live life that way as an adult. I have a Plan B for most situations because I’ve asked myself “what if.”
Be Prepared
Where am I going with this? Well if you’re a parent of an adolescent boy have you asked yourself “what if” he begins to withdraw and appear depressed; he seems nervous and anxious, or maybe his grades have suddenly turned south? What if you find yourself trying to raise your son alone? What’s your Plan B? What should you do?
Wouldn’t it be nice to know where to turn without wasting precious time researching and looking for answers among friends and family?
I Did It for You
When I developed The Quest Project®, I did it with all of those situations in mind. I made it my mission to help young men receive the things that I didn’t as a boy. Here is a list of some of the fundamental things he’ll learn:
- Humility-by understanding his unique gifts.
- Compassion-by healing his own wound.
- Contentment-by establishing his values.
- Grit, determination & diligence-by setting his goals.
- Self-discipline & impulse control-by understanding and safely dealing with anger.
- Courage & honesty-by having these in the “tool box.”
- Dependability-by goal setting and mission.
- Leading & following-by learning conflict resolution.
- Proactive-by creating his purpose=mission.
- Serenity- by learning forgiveness.
- Patience & Empathy-by understanding his anger shadow.
- Kindness to self and others-by building a safe container.
- There’s integrity, gratitude, adaptability, sense of curiosity & wonder, optimism & positivity, endurance, respect, and hope.
As part of the program, I teach and impart as much knowledge as I can with parents to help them better understand what their son needs to become a healthy, responsible young man.
It’s in The Books
“What if” you know a parent who needs help with their son, but they aren’t in the St. Louis area? I have that covered too. For dad, JUST RELEASED “Generation of Men-How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men.” It’s available on Amazon by clicking HERE.
For mom, pick up “Saving Our Sons-A Parent’s Guide to Preparing Boys for Success.” Also available on Amazon by clicking HERE.