Feelings of Gratitude and Thanks

It’s that time of year! A time to give thanks and reflect.
Thankful and Grateful
First and foremost, I am thankful for my family and friends and all the blessings they bring to my life. This year was especially difficult on my best friend Pinot (dachshund) he underwent his fifth back surgery that left him unable to walk. I’m thrilled to say after months of therapy and lots of love, he is walking again!
My private practice continues to grow and thrive which allows me to live my mission “to create healthy lifestyles by teaching, facilitating, writing, research and example” every day.
This year The Quest Project has been undergoing a “face lift” that will result in a spectacular new website, jam packed with information for families nationwide who may be struggling with an adolescent son. More to follow on this!
New this year to the practice are “weekend workshops” designed for both men (Men’s Quest) and women (Women’s Quest). They have been very popular; if you haven’t heard about them check it out here.
I’m very excited to announce that in addition to Saving Our Sons: A Parent’s Guide to Preparing Boys for Success, I will be launching my second book early 2019!
Grateful to Give
And finally, Charity Patch which is a true “labor” of love! My wife and I were joined by seven Quest Project graduates and one very dedicated board member (GS) every Saturday morning beginning in May until school started in August. It was truly a wonderful time, we worked hard, sometimes played hard, and always enjoyed the day. Not to mention we delivered over 2000lbs. of produce (tomatoes, corn, beets, peppers, cucumbers and squash) to the local food pantry. There were some very hot summer temps to persevere; and the boys did so without complaint.
This Journey
One I’m very thankful for!
Although my story as one of abuse from my dad; I endured and healed. It led me to the work I do today helping other young men and their parents have a healthy relationship.
I am thankful for all of you who have been with me and supported me in this work and on this journey. There is more to come and more work to do so stay with me.
Wishing you all health and happiness,
Dr. Clay