Boom! “Generation of Men” Is Here!

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“Generation of Men: How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men”
From Dr. Clayton Lessor, Founder of The Quest Project New book, Generation of Men, written by Clayton Lessor, PhD, LPC, addresses the problem we have with our boys – the next generation of men. Serving as a how-to guide for fathers struggling to connect or reconnect with their sons, Dr. Clay provides fathers with the framework to use his proven program, The Quest Project®, designed to provide immediate help and hope to fathers and sons. Generation of Men reveals what our boys need and what they are missing. It discusses the importance of the father-son relationship, depicting real-life examples of broken father-son relationships through case studies. Most importantly, it introduces a boys’ modern-day rite-of-passage towards becoming a man.Generation of Men addresses
- The Problem with Punishment & How to Set Ground Rules
- The Wounds Boys Share: The Ways Fathers are Absent Today
- What is Influencing Your Son
- Why Some Boys Never Grow Up
- The 5 Things Critical for your Son’s Transition into Manhood
- Breaking the Cycle of Pain
- And much more